Lirik Abigor - As Astral Images Darken Reality

Kometen sind brennende Seelen,Die zur Strafe durch den Kosmos ziehen müßen.Comets are burning souls,That have to travel through the cosmos...

Lirik Abigor - Dornen

Wartend auf einen schmerzlosen Tod -Die Flammen der Hölle sind nichtsVerglichen mit diesem Leben,Voll von wundenleckendem Licht,Umgeben von...

Lirik Abigor - I Face the Eternal Winter

Flying silent on winter wingsFlowing emotions from my bleeding soulTears that flow burn my skinI'm drifting away on the cold wave of desolationI'm...

Lirik Abigor - Reborn Through the Gates of Three Moons

I enter the gatesInto the realm where nothing diesBut I'm still so cold insideMesmerized...By visions past and goneTill the end of timeI will...

Lirik Abigor - Revealed Secrets of the Whispering Moon

...And so my mind is calmReady for the darkest eonsCandlelight caresses my eyesIncense smoke displaces soiled airThis trip is part of an endless...

Lirik Abigor - The Dark Kiss

Buried beneath forgotten cryptic stonesEnshrined in silence, embraced by darknessBelonging to the hidden ancient raceAm I still dead but dreamingAwaiting...

Lirik Abigor - Unleashed Axe-Age

[This vision should not be seen as a part of the upcoming Viking trend]Ancient!... we invokeThe polarities are united as oneWe are united as...